Pedestrian Traffic Management
Every business knows the importance of vehicle and pedestrian traffic safety but knowing how to go about improving this area is another matter altogether.
Walksafe offer comprehensive, simple and cost effective solutions to this complex and difficult to understand area of safety. We offer a complete safety solution service from on site consultation and assessment through to the implementation of the necessary changes.
The consultation/assessment process and subsequent safety report are extensive and thorough. We will come to your workplace to discuss your particular circumstances face to face. We then prepare a detailed report assessing of your current situation plus a list of easily implemented recommendations. Areas covered in the report include:
- Procedures - Facility layout - Safe walkways & exclusion zones - Equipment - Training
We are not trying to sell you a product, so you can be sure that our recommendations are based on what you need, rather than what someone else may be trying to sell to you.
So, whether you have a specific requirement or would just like to discuss your traffic safety issues in general, contact us for a free initial consultation.

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